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Programming in English to succeed

N° de páginas: 108
Categoría: Ensayo
Sub-categoría: Humanidades
Maquetación: Pegado
Tipo de impresión: Blanco y negro
ISBN Acabado en rústica: 978-84-16198-85-6
Editorial: ViveLibro Editorial

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My English Year Programming is appointed to children in the fi rst cycle (1st level) of the Primary Education stage. C. Robertson, defi ned planning as «one of those essential skills of the competent teacher». So as a teacher, I must take into account needs and interests of our pupils in order to design a lesson properly. Before planning a lesson, I could compare «planning» with two concepts: «maps» and «GPS». While maps give us an overview about a place, «GPS» guide you to arrive to a certain place. So, there is a direct correspondence between «planning», «GPS» and «maps»; due to all of them have the same aim: to serve us as an instrument which shows us WHERE, WHEN AND HOW to achieve a previous goal. In the case of planning is about children’s learning, and «GPS» and «maps» to move to somewhere. As a result, I can infer that «planning» let me organize my academic year, but also it is an instrument of self- evaluation. It means that I will notice if our objectives, procedures and assessment are appropriated for our students or if it is necessary to change some aspects that could disturb the correct knowledge acquisition.

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